Chuyển ra apk bị lỗi

tại sao khi tôi chuyển ra apk thì màn hình số 1 không có hình ảnh, các màn hình khác bị xô lệch

Vui lòng gõ tiếng Anh nếu không các thành viên cộng đồng như tôi sẽ phải sử dụng trình dịch để hiểu ý bạn.

Please help me with the following problem:

  • I log in to thunkable but it’s very slow and almost doesn’t work. I have to log out or refresh constantly.
  • I designed an app called DGCB with a link like this:”.
  • Running the demo on the web is very slow but still works, but when connected to the phone, screen number 1 (intro) is not displayed, the sound is not as designed, the buttons do not work, and when I switched to apk 8 times but it still doesn’t work.
    Look forward to the help.

It’s because of screen size. See this:

Create a database and only one screen to display all information.

@vishruth-ram please dont just write stuff. it’s super unhelpful. this app the OP included has few screens. instead take time to read thoroughly, understand the question, then formulate a helpful response.


I would start by using more optimized images. The BG image on yoru first screen, for example, is 22MB. that’s huge in terms of the image size for any modern app.

Try to get it between 50-250kb

when i removed any image over 500kb, everything seemed to run fine (not slow at all)

just because you can include large assets, doesn’t mean it’s good practice. it’s a little misleading, IMO.

A PDF would be a more appropriate large file, not an image you are using as an asset to display on screen.


I’ve changed the background image from png to jpg but it still doesn’t work. My website is slow and I can’t control the mouse. I have to refresh all the time. It’s so boring.
please help me soon.

try opening this project

let me know if its slow at all. then we can talk about filling the content back in

i removed any image over 500kb in size

a follow-up question would be to ask about the system you are using when accessing Thunkable? Are you on a mobile device, Mac, PC, 4gb ram, chrome/safari, etc.

Thank you very much, I did it.

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