Cerificate error in Google Play store

Hi all
I need a solution for the use case when google play claims wrong cerificate used.
Probably because copying the app several time… (but i am not sure)
Is there anything written around this ? (i cant find it)

Hi @stefansladdeneng1, I hope I understand your question correctly,

have you read the chapter about app signing? You find the app key under the app settings at the bottom (“Keystore zip” / “Android keystore”). In short: in Thunkable klick on “Export key zip” and import this zip-file in Google Play Store → App signing.


Hmmm In this case i am talking about the certificate - not keystore.
I do get a certificate displayed in Google play Store - Stating it is wrong
And i do get a certificate displayed stating it is the correct one to use.

So how can i fetch this correct one and implement it in the APP?
(The upper is correct - and the below one is wrong)