Can't upload Media Files in assets

Hi, I can’t upload my assets and my storage still have a lot. So how can I slove this?. Please, help me.

Hi, welcome to Thunkable! :tada:

Remember to check out our Community Guidelines and How to ask Great Questions v2.0 posts for tips on getting the best support from the Community on your issues.

While there should be no issues uploading a .m4a asset into your project, it looks like your project has exceeded the maximium size per project of 50mb. The screenshot above is your total account storage of 500mb.

You can read more about storage limits here in our Docs.

I will look into the error message you are receiving, however, as that should tell you that your project is over the size limit and not that you are uploading the wrong type of asset.

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Thank you so much. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And I have a quation. Could I have more size per each project? Like Pro member or other way that I can do for more storage per project.

Hello :wave:
Unfortunately, the size of a project is the same on all of the plans.

Did you manage to resolve this? If yes, how did you solve it? When I encounter this error message, I usually delete my project and start over, but when it reaches around 50.44, the error pops up again! My limit is 500MB, and I’ve only used 50.44, so there’s still available space. I’m not sure why this error message keeps appearing!"

Hello @adilsonsantana!
The maximum size per project is 50 MB. Your total account storage of 500 MB (in all projects).

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