Cannot delete a asset (image)

Hi Thunkers!

I’m new here both to the forum and to Thunkable itself, so let me know if I make any mistakes. I’m currently having the problem that I can’t delete a image from the library. I can change the name and it will still be displayed to me, but I cannot delete the image without an error message or other feedback. I’ve tried many things without success, including restarting the browser, restarting the page and changing the name.

(By the way, I use the version of Thunkable without the drag and drop function)

I linked a video to show you what I mean. Please don’t be surprised, the video is in my Google Drive database.

Sorry you are experiencing this issue. How did you import/add that asset in?
Thank you

Good evening, I’m not sure but I think I had added the assets normally on the left bar from the PC (without drag and drop).

I could not reproduce it, but I have already informed our team. Could you dm me your project link to see if it is deletable from our end, or if you feel comfortable sharing it here, that is okay too.