Can we duplicate pages

Hi is there a way to duplicate pages as it is super not productive by not able to do it.
Can anyone advise a way?

yes. but you need to rename the other screen. You need to use WinRar in your desktop

download the aia file. Open it in Winrar, open it, open the folder straight to “scr” folder, select the screen you want to duplicate… copy both files of the screen the “scm” and the “bky” and paste it temporary anywhere in your desktop

then open the scm with notepad, select “find and replace” check the match case, then rename it. after that save it. then copy it again to another aia or existing aia, where you want to duplicate in aia. then upload it again in thunkable. DONE !

I could see how this may work for Thunkable Android, but I’m not sure this is possible in Thunkable X. I am not aware of a feature to download the aia or upload an aia.

Hey @Loh_Jordan! Check out my post here:

Thunkable X Tutorials

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Hi there,
It seems that he was request that using Cross Platform and no any extension supported