Duplicate a screen?

I have an About Me screen set up, and want the same layout for another screen. Instead of sitting here and rebuilding everything with all the layouts and measurements, is there a way to simply duplicate a screen?

Not yet :confused:

ouch…my time…

All I can suggest is to open two navigator windows, split screen and the job is done (pretty quick if you stay focused :wink:)

Don’t lose faith !

Nice day :slight_smile:

basta baixar o arquivo .aia pro computador, depois trocar a extensão por .rar extrair somente os dois arquivos correspondente a sua pagina que deseja copiar depois renomear os arquivos (lembrando que tem que entrar no arquivo para alterar o nome da aba tambem) depois colocar os arquivos na pasta rar no mesmo local que os demais, alterar para .aia e fazer a importação do projeto

I don’t get a word of what you said but I read .aia & there is no .aia in Thunkable X, so your solution can’t do.

How could I do that??

I mean, if the screens are identical why can you not just keep it on the same screen, just change the data. Make a variable called WhichButtonClicked. So if i clicked the show other person info button, it sets the variable to that, or show info about you button, then sets the variable accordingly, and so on :slight_smile:

if the about screen is to say display info about say another person, you could have that when the screen opens, if that variables = ShowMyInfo then show your info, then if its set to ShowOtherPersonInfo then show the other persons info. Of course i don’t know what your app does, but I find apps like Snapchat do this, that the back button doesn’t just lead back to 1 screen, but it depends on where you are on that screen, and leads you back to where you were before the action you called.

Do you get me? :stuck_out_tongue:


This is kind of how you would also work with a Database as such. The button a user clicks sets a variable of what you want (keyword), then you pull the data accordingly to the keyword. You keep the same screen, just change the label text, picture source, etc.

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Thanks man

Translation to that portugese guy’s post:
just download the .aia file to your computer, then change the extension for .rar extract only the two files corresponding to your page you want to copy then rename the files (remembering that you have to enter the file to change the name of the tab as well) then put the files in the rar folder in the same location as the others, change to .aia and import the project

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