[Solved] Can not publish to iOS, problem with NSUserTrackingUsageDescription which is not used

I got mine to work!

Here’s what I did. Since the refusal kept asking for a fix in the metadata, I edited my Privacy Metadata. Earlier, I had made the changes to the Privacy Metadata that Thunkable suggested because of the Bugsnap app that was being included in our builds: https://community.thunkable.com/t/your-app-does-not-follow-the-app-store-review-guidelines-bugsnag/1156297/24.

Then when it when later stated that Bugsnap was taken out of Thunkable, I edited my Privacy Metadata back to say that there was NO tracking. But perhaps Bugsnap was was actually still in the current build.

Based on https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/679585 where it’s thought that that the App Store checks the privacy of the current build before it accepts a new build, I went into the current build, went back and changed the Privacy Metadata back as though Bugsnap were still there. Then I submitted my new build, and it was accepted right away.

For the new build, I deleted everything in the fields as suggested above.

Now I will try to fix the Privacy Data again and resubmit a build with a minor change and see if it goes through.