I mean, if I go to a screen, then do something on that screen, and then go to another screen, then back. How do I make sure my progress is saved?
You’ll need to manually save each value. If you say more about what exactly you’re wanting to keep track of, I can be more specific with my answer.
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I coded it so that it disappears when I press a button, but it reappears when I return to the screen. I want to make it so it stays gone.
Please click on the link for “How to Ask Great Questions” below. You need to include a lot more information. Words like “do something” and “it” are too vague.
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It is a button
you have to explain more what you want to do
I think I understood. for example, when filling out a report on one screen, you click to advance to the next screen, but when you return to the previous screen you want the completed data to remain there. You can create temporary global variables for each value received, so when you switch screens and return to it, the values will still be there.
So when you go through all the screens, when you click finish, take steps to save everything in the database.
Yes, thunkable Auto-Saves in Time-Interval According to your Project’s size
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I click a button. I coded it so it disappears when I click it, but when I go back to the screen, the button is there again; how do I make it so it stays gone and doesn’t come back when I change screens?
Thank you, could you please explain how to make global variables.
You’ll need to use a variable to save a value related to the button state. That would look something like this:
Initialize app variable showButton to true
When button is clicked
set app variable showButton to false
set button's visible to false
When screen opens
if app variable showButton = false
set button's visible to false
If you want the button state (visibility) to be saved when the user quits and re-opens the app then you will need to use a stored variable instead of an app variable.
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