How to save my changes

So I’m making a app for my class and I went the basic “Motivational Quotes” route. I want to make it so that you can change the quote once a day but I don’t know how to make it so that when you press the “Change Quote” button it actually saves. When I leave the screen and come back it allows me to Change the quote again and I don’t want that. I need to know how to make that save.

Hey there! Welcome to the Thunkable Community!

You have to use a block called a variable, in this case a stored variable which allows the user to save data between app sessions. I determined whether the button should be rendered disabled or not based on the date input’s date.

Try something like this, should work, I tested it. If you want to test it again, use the block when date input date picked, if stored variable date < call date input’s get date set button 1’s disabled to false else set button 1’s disabled to true.

Hope this helps!

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