Bug in Displaying info Webversion vs App (both live and textflight)

Hi, i am using the using and API to collect information. The collected info is then parsed and displayed in the app accordingly. However:
*** Web Preview** in the platform: All information is displayed correctly (the whole text is shown)
*** Live Test on Device:** CUT the foirst part of the information (Last part to the end is shown)
*** Testflight:** CUT the foirst part of the information (Last part to the end is shown)
Imagine a A4 pages full of text and only the second half of it is displayed.

Have someone experienced the same?
Thanks in advance for any advice…

Do you have an example project you can share or show us what you are seeing on Live Test and TestFlight along with how things are laid out in the Design editor.

It is nearly impossible to help here without seeing some work or examples. Thank you!

Hi Again Matt
Ref this case - it can be closed for now…
i got it to work by adding a “wait a second” before displaying…