[Re-Solved 12/29/23 11:08 AM EDT] Bug? Layout and Switch, wrong order on Live App

Hi! I was designing a notification screen for my fake app, and when I was testing on the Live App, the switches magically disappeared, even though my layout (the one containing the labels), were behind the switch’s. Furthermore, my switches appeared on WebView. So is this a bug or something. See more in the pictures. :arrow_down:

Live App :arrow_down:

WebView :arrow_down:

Editing :arrow_down:

About my software:
Phone model: Samsung Galaxy A13
Thunkable Live App: v437-2
Browser Software: Microsoft Edge (Version 120.0.2210.77)
App building software: Up to date.

Another issue (somewhat related) my PIN screen, the “Incorrect” message shows up, as soon as the screen opens, before I even type anything, but on the Live App, it doesn’t, why? (BTW, a few weeks back, WebView did not have this problem!

When I open the screen on WebPreview, the “Incorrect” Messasge shows up automatically :arrow_down:

But on the Live App, the blocks works as intended, the “Incorrect Message” only appears when I type in the wrong PIN :arrow_down:

*Please note that my business is NOT REAL

Thanks for flagging this! We’ll take a look and see what we can find.

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We would need to see what blocks you are using to show this error–probably something with a conditional?

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Never mind, the “Incorrect” issue, however I didn’t have it with old versions of Thunkable software, and didn’t have it with the Live App, it was just the webpreview that had the issue. The issue was apparently one of the blocks, I removed it and the screen functions the same, I just don’t know why that block, was causing issues, and only to webpreview, in the latest version…

Thanks for flagging the other issue. I appreciate it!

@matt_conroy, any update on this?

It’s not something that I can replicate with a project of my own trying to mimic the design you have above. The switches look bad outside of a Layout component on iOS but that is a whole other situation.

Can you see if you can replicate it using this project?

About that… Don’t have pro

Sorry, force of habit. This project is public.

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Like the name of the project! :sweat_smile: