I’m creating an avatar app. I’ve made a list for the skin. But when I click the skin button the image goes blank.
This block works on a previous project I did but doesn’t work here. What is wrong
The set picture block has list and list… remove the list block with gear…
Don’t use this block. Ever. Well, except if you need to initialize a list or set the value of a list.
Your app variable Skin List
is already a list. When you add that block, you create a List of Lists which you want to avoid.
Longer explanation: The blocks you used are going to get the value of the variable which is {“Skin1.png”, “Skin2.png”, “Skin3.png”} and then make a list from it so that would be {{“Skin1.png”, “Skin2.png”, “Skin3.png”}} and then get the app variable index
item from that list. So if you get item #1, you’re getting {“Skin1.png”, “Skin2.png”, “Skin3.png”} but if you get item #2, you’re getting a null value since {{“Skin1.png”, “Skin2.png”, “Skin3.png”}} only has one item.
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In my block there is no list with gear
The block I outlined in red above is from your screenshot. You need to remove that block.
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