APK works, AAB from Store stucks

Play Store accepted the two applications that I have created in the Play Store and I have the same problem in both. When I use “live” or use the download apk, the app works perfectly. Instead, the AAB accepted in Store, when installing from it (tested with several friends devices) have the same problem.

The app is stuck in the “Made With Thunkable” logo. Load the screen, flash and reappear, hanging.

The capture video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VJPys03llleCKIxERKIqS-wG-0n5DzJ4/view?usp=drivesdk

Any solution, please?

Have you directly reached out to Thunkable support over the chat channel or directly emailing them? An issue like this is often due to accessing variables that are uninitialized on the screen load. Are you able to share the block screen for the first screen of your project here?

Hello and thanks for answering.
I haven’t contacted support directly yet, you’re right that’s something I should do too.

I share the blocks of my first screens.
One of them is a splash screen that is also used to select the language if it is the first time the app is opened. The variables are declared.
The other app on the first screen shows several images as buttons to choose which section to go to.

The apk works without problems, the error is with the aab.