Animations always get bug

Hi there,
I want the thunkable developer quick to fix this issue. When I drag the animation and import into it. That’s showing white background immediately. Even I refresh the Thunkable. That’s stills white screen. Sometimes it will be get great soon, sometimes wait about 1 hr still occurring.
This component is good, but if existing this bug. It will let the people perplex.

For example this sample, . If you click the animation. That’s white screen suddenly.
The problem coming, I cannot move out or delete that component. …

I had the same issue and was able to resolve it by doing this:

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But how I edit that,when I click the Animation bar ( drawer ) that occurring.

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Hi BlueWhaleYT,

We’ll get the JSON files removed from your app so that you can access it again.

A member of the team will reply here when this is taken care of.

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What problem resulting in occur this problem ?

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@BlueWhaleYT, It appears that you deleted your project before we had a chance to delete the JSON files that caused the problem. Is that correct?


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The developer have a way to take a look at every player project without link? As you said have a chance to remove the .json file.