Airtable API issues

I am following a tutorial about accessing my Airtable database from Thunkable and have added Thunkable as a third-party integration from Airtable.

After adding the Airtable base in Data Sources, if I click on the base name, I get a table view of the data, but when I try to run the API Get, I get an Authentication_Required error.

2023-09-04 19 21 26

Also, if I go into Developers Hub on Airtable and click on the OAuth integrations, it does not show anything.

Is there anything I else that I should be doing?


did you ad the base in airtable? from airtable website


I have figured out the Authorization issue. I put the query in to Postman and it failed there as well.

Then I remembered the Personal Access Token and created one and added it to the Headers under the Web API component.

Property is Authorization


Value is Bearer {space} {followed by the PAT}

So when I run it in Thunkable, I get the JSON response, however I can’t figure out to extract the information that I need to put into the label.

The response is

“records”: [
“id”: “rec2glWuWTcEi8Chg”,
“createdTime”: “2023-09-05T00:07:14.000Z”,
“fields”: {
“Job Title”: “Network Analyst”,
“Grade”: “G2”
“id”: “rec3i3ubXuHO2LwRB”,
“createdTime”: “2023-09-05T00:07:14.000Z”,
“fields”: {
“Job Title”: “Technician”,
“Grade”: “G1”

I have tried this

and a few variations - Job Title alone, records, the fields, then Job Title, but they all come back null.

Appreciate any assistance.


Is there a reason you’re using the API blocks instead of the built-in Data Source blocks? See my response to your other topics here: Querying an Airtable base - #3 by tatiang.

Is it mainly so that you can retrieve data from multiple tables?


I also want to be able to update the tables automagically from time to time. Understand that this cannot be done with local data sources.

Was reading through other thread last night where you go through JSON requests. Will watch the video today.

You also mentioned in the thread that you might explain the ability to display data from a JSON request in the Data Viewer List/Grid. Did you ever get around to that?


Generally, to display an API response in a Data Viewer List, you have to create rows for the JSON data in a local data source which means that you’re looping through the JSON data. But no, I haven’t made a tutorial for that.

There are two ways I use Airtable:

  1. The built-in Data Source blocks… unless I need complex filtering for the results in which case I use #2 below.
  2. The filterByFormula command using the Airtable API

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