Ads not showing in App

I have an android version

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Hi @kizzy - I know Iā€™ve asked several times alreadyā€¦ Is there any way you can please share a link to your app on Google Play so I can take a look. If we canā€™t see the app thereā€™s absolutely no way to know what might or might not be going on.

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my android APP did donā€™t have any problems till i try to put ads on ios i have unlisted the APP so you could close this thread now.

Seems like you are not telling the full story in which case why even start the thread in first place Iā€™m sure if there is any issue @domhnallohanlon could talk to AdMob and get more details you might be able to get account back unless you know what you did wrong

i dont think i did anything wrong my adsense got cancelled they said invalid traffic i had another app 2019 they took ads of because it had a youtube window they did give me he option to fix it and Appeal listed it as 1 violation but this time its about the traffic to the another app funny thing i made less money this month inn about 5 months so not like all the traffic was bringing clicks .i dont know .

Because it was important for me to have my ads shown in my app and this was not happening that why i started the thread ironic that as soon as I started the thread my account is terminated. I have many times asked them to delete this thread because it is a waste of time i got no help on the ios app that showed no ads and lost my acc so what the point of this thread even being up

Thunkable staff have been asking for the App Store app link. Just give it to them and see what happens. Hope for the best

They got the links needed

ny account was terminated because of this issue