Adding rows to a table bug

I can’t add new rows to my local Thunkable table. Enter button doesn’t work. I can’t even add new rows using “Create row” blocks. It worked a few months ago but now I can’t do anything. Is it a bug?

Could you please show us some screenshots or a link to the process so we can more easily find out what is causing it?

Yes, I recorded a video:

Check to see if you can get a value from the data source and assign it to a label. Does that work? If you still have trouble, post a link to your project.

Hello @blackandwhireu6uhm
I watched the video you shared.
Since you are using a stored data source the data are saved locally on each device you are testing the app, including a web viewer device and it is not possible to view them in the data source. As Tatian pointed out you could use blocks to display the data or a data viewer.
If you want to see the data on a web panel, you will need to use Google Sheets or Airtable.