Adding a chat message api to my app


does anyone have experience with adding a chat messaging feature into their app?
I want to add this feature and the best way that I thought to do so is by using a real-time chat messaging service API.
is it possible to do such a thing?
did someone try it?

Thank you!

The web api component can work with most REST APIs. I built chat with real-time db and one signal. It is a little tricky with thunkable, but it is doable

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Is it working well?
Like the average chat messaging app?

Can you explain how to build such a thing?

you can try some of my web api apps for start
weather app - Weather App with web api
Lyrics app - A Lyrics app with web api

how it can help him?


yp i did in html

lets take it as a challenge
but im on computer ill connect to laptop at ight aand show u

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Building a fully functional multiple user chat app is extremely complicated. You should search this forum for links to the simple chat app example created by the thunkable staff to get started.

To build a multi user chat app with notifications, you will first need to study and understand the following Thunkable topics:

  1. Cloud variables
  2. JSON objects, properties, and arrays (lists)
  3. Cloning and create blocks
  4. Firebase authentication (sign in)
  5. Firebase realtime db listeners
  6. Web API calls
  7. One signal push notifications
  8. Asynchronous block management

The forum has a lot of good examples for all of these features, as well as the thunkable documentation.

After you are comfortable with all of these features, you can start putting them together for your app.

As you progress, try to ask very specific questions in the forum. The more specific your question, the better answers you will get.

Happy Thunking!


A good starting example is Gram

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@drted Do you have any suggestions for how to make a listener now that the Realtime DB block no longer exists? I went with a Forever loop and a moderate wait time (Wait 3 seconds) and checked the value of a specific field in Firebase that I knew would change (gameData/Games/[game ID]/CurrentPlay). But I wish there was just a listener block. The “when cloud variable initializes or changes” doesn’t seem to fire when a nested field within gameData changes value.

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The cloud variables have Initialise or Change event which replaces the listeners in most of the cases.

Frankly I really hope the drag and drop won’t become the default. It has a bunch of bugs, renders differently on all 3 platforms, and is all but unusable for dynamic data driven forms. So the missing listener isn’t an issue I am looking into just yet.


I’m trying to avoid drag-and-drop for now. But even without it enabled, I don’t see the Realtime DB block.

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That’s what I thought but I haven’t been able to get them to work.


Whoops yeah, that is the new invisible component move. My bad. If you turn off the setting the firebase blocks will reappear. Or add a saved screen with the realtime db to the project


Hmm… that sounds promising but I tried it and it’s still not responding to changes in Firebase:

I’m currently testing it as a published Web App. When I change a value in Firebase via blocks or manually from the Firebase console, the “Debug label” doesn’t change.


Alright, I got it working. I had to add the listener block for the key. I was wondering how the DataChanged block knew which key(s) to track.


You need first add a key to the listener then you can track DataChanged event.



how can we make a real time chat app like whatsapp

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welcome to our community @parakharushi2009i
are you asking about all the features of whatsapp to make in thunkable?
if yes then we cant because thunkable does not support video call and file picker

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bro simply use firebase and take api from it


itz possible
just u need tons of coding and im very busy nowa days else i could have helpped

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