Is it the builder (37$) allowing me to publish the app at AppStore??
"To publish the app, you need a developer license regardless and must pass the tests required by Google or Apple. For example, Google also requires the app to be tested by 14 people for 14 days or something similar. This is for PUBLISHING the app.
Downloading, on the other hand, allows you to get the APK (Android) or IPA (iOS) file of your app to test its functionality on real devices."
When downloading for iOS, there is only a link to download the app onto your specific device. We cannot provide the IPA file.
Thank you … I was afraid of boy and the lose
في اثنين، ١٠ مارس، ٢٠٢٥ في ٤:٠٦ م، كتب Matthew Conroy via Community <>:
yeah sorry, i meant to say that “download” is for testing purpose only, i guessed wrong for that matter.