About the (builder ) ………

When I read the builder (37$) I’m read (25)download! what do you mean by this ? is it just Can only 25 people download it from the App Store? Or what do you mean? In addition to profit from App Mob, is it available? Please tell me all the restrictions that prevent us from publishing the application and getting money through this subscription….

"To publish the app, you need a developer license regardless and must pass the tests required by Google or Apple. For example, Google also requires the app to be tested by 14 people for 14 days or something similar. This is for PUBLISHING the app.

Downloading, on the other hand, allows you to get the APK (Android) or IPA (iOS) file of your app to test its functionality on real devices. Also you need some sort of external service (apple and google) to manage the payments and remember that service is going to take a huge portion of the profits

I have the App Store account and every thin like subscribe but I’m ask about the 25 download in plan (37$) …

The 25 downloads are not part of publishing to the app stores. Those downloads are separate and generally for testing purposes. If you upgrade to the builder plan and publish, there is no limit to the number of downloads your end users can have on the Google Play or Apple App Stores.

Matt, can you explain the difference between “Testing Downloads” and “Downloads”? I’m not clear on what those refer to.

Hello @tatiang
The answer is on our pricing page and docs:

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I can download the app on AppStore yes? Cause I have subscrip on it …

في ثلاثاء، ١١ مارس، ٢٠٢٥ في ١٢:٤٩ م، كتب Ioannis Roungeris via Community <notifications@thunkable.discoursemail.com>:

@mame97246irt5u7 Yes, you can.

Last question :face_with_thermometer::face_with_thermometer::face_with_thermometer: I can download it by plan builder (37$) ? I sorry for for asking so many questions, but I’m afraid of losing my money.