Your app contains content that doesn't comply with the Unauthorized Use of Copyrighted Content policy

About Unauthorized Use of Copyrighted Content policy
We don’t allow apps that infringe copyright. Modifying copyrighted content may still lead to a violation. Developers may be required to provide evidence of their rights to use copyrighted content.
!App status: Rejected
Your app has been rejected and wasn’t published due to this policy issue. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.

Not able to release my new ott platform app on playstore pls help

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So do you have copyrighted content in your app?

You can appeal the rejection. If you have permission to use whatever content is being flagged, I’d show that…

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They have not mentioned any specific content m just confused thy are talking about which content

Can anyone suggest me can I have app with exactly same name , as thr is already one app with same name which I applied

I don’t think they are complaining about the name of your app unless your app is called something like Disney’s Star Trek Animaniacs Terminator Pokemon Puzzle Game.

You can’t have copyrighted content in your app. That means if you have company logos or clip art that isn’t public domain / creative commons graphics then you may get flagged like this.

We can’t guess why you received that message… you’ll have to tell us or show us what content your app contains. :man_shrugging:
[Aside: @catsarisky I’m kinda tempted now to make a copyrighted app name Idea Generator!]


you might have copyrighted music also

It’s new ott platform like Netflix
It has one shortfilm produced by us
M attaching mail sent by them
Pls suggest


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Do you have some idea about what content might be copyright protected?

If not, you can appeal the decision but it helps if you can explain how you’ve fixed the problem.

Can u tell me from whr to appeal as m not devloper m CEO of the company I will suggest my developer to do tht
As we dnt think so anything is copyrighted
We allready removed most of the things which might give copyright issue

Your developer should be able to Google that information. I don’t have a lot of experience with Google Play. More so with the App Store.

Have you written to the android development team and just asked him what the issue was? Thankfully when I get an issue with one of my apps to the iOS store, Apple tells me what was wrong. Maybe you can ask for the specific content that they felt was copyrighted and then They will let you know


google play store will not tell specific issue, we need to figure out either it related with screen shoot, keyword or content can be related with copyright.

That wasn’t my experience with the Play Store (although it was 6 or 7 years ago, so perhaps it’s changed now?)

Their system flagged one of my apps for copyright content and when I emailed seeking clarification they said it was an issue with my app icon. To be fair, it was very similar to an existing app - it was just a yellow letter on a purple background - but I was able to send them the original assets that I had made in Flat Icon Generator and everything was resolved

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Let’s see tomorrow I will get a revert back from thm I have resubmitted the app
Changes I have done is
I added subtitle to name of the app
Removed all content just kept intro video with logo no music in tht too
Rewrite the policy
Removed screenshots and inserted new screenshot
Also removed screenshit from website
Rewrite app description

Rejected again pls suggest something

Contact Google to find out what the exact problem is and fix it.

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I don’t think you’ve provided enough information to get useful suggestions. You either need to contact Google, or post a link to your project and ask for guesses. Is the rejection still for copyright?


They t just send default message co0y right issue not telling exact issue
How to contact there engineer of support ?