Wordgame with a "stepback and remove"

Hi all - i want to be able to set an operation in relation to clicking on this button on a keyboard.

How can i create block stating
“if this button is pressed, then do…” ?


I was also looking for such a feature but since Thunkable is designed for mobile apps it doesn’t have the ability to program based on keyboard input.

Hello @stefansladdeneng1 and @joemoukarzel88skm4pi are you talking about a virtual keyboard or a physical one?

For the first you can use a simple comparison to detect a “backspace” press, compare the length of the inputs text and see if it’s smaller than the previous length, for the later I can share my keyboard module with you, wich captures key pressed events for computers and laptops.

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I’ve scoured the whole forum for physical keyboard input, the admins said it wasn’t possible. If you could send me your keyboard module that would be amazing!

Hello @joemoukarzel88skm4pi
Sure here it is: Module docs and download

Please note the following:

  1. Module and docs are in its testing phase so it may be busy
  2. As if writing this, I realized I forgot to implement the documentation of how to use it😅


Due to the way JavaScript web bridges work the user has to have focused on the module, this is done by simply clicking on it, I recommend having the module on-top of any non intractable components, after the user interacts with a ui elements above the module the user has to focus on the module again.

As of now there is no workaround for this sadly.

PS: if you have any bugs or feedback you can join my Discord server to do so, it’s easier for me to keep track of them there.
However if you prefer the community it’s okay as well.

EDIT: i just released a update wich solves the focus issue, please clear your cache and update.

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