Why Thunkable over other mobile app developer tools?


I’m currently looking for a mobile app development tool and have landed on both Thunkable and Appgyver being two platforms that feel quite similar, I have also tried Flutterflow but don’t like how they handle the logic and UI there at all.

I’ve googled but unfortunately can’t find much about “Thunkable vs/or Appgyver”, so those of you who have used both tools, why did you choose one over the other? I am aware that Appgyver is free, however I read that they have a lot of bugs that they never fix, does Thunkable have the same problem? What are Thunkable’s limitations?

I just don’t have the time to invest in learning both platforms right now, however I’m leaning more towards Thunkable.

I want to build SaaS applications, applications with several different APIs and apps where you can make different booking systems (similar to Uber).

All feedback is appreciated!

So I take it that no one can answer my questions? not even the developers of Thunkable, this feels worrying.

No one here can say why choose Thunkable over AppGyver? And what Thunkables limitations can be?

You asked specifically for people who have used both tools. Maybe no one has.

Thunkable is a great tool but it’s certainly not bug free. Bugs are reported on the forums here and also logged in GitHub.

I’d recommend trying out Thunkable and seeing how you like it.


Thanks for your reply! It is very much appreciated that you help with what you can.

What is your experience with bugs, is it something that is a high priority to resolve?

While you may be right that my question is specific, I still find it strange that no one has tested both of the more popular and established tools for mobile app development, I mean, a developer should atleast be able to answer what makes his platform/tool better/different than the competition? Especially when a potential paying customer asks. After all, they have a great opportunity to promote their own platform if more people would find the thread wondering the same thing.

But yes you are right, I will have to try to find time to test both tools.

Yes, I would think the developers could answer that.

There’s not a ton of transparency right now around but reports. That’s something I’ve mentioned to the staff and I know they are working on a better system than the current GitHub one. See this: Bugs and Feature Requests - Thunkable Docs

It used to be that users would submit bug reports and feature requests and the staff would tag them so users could follow what was happening a bit. But in the past few months, that practice has stopped so we’re all left guessing a bit.

I find the best support is through the chat button in each project. The staff are knowledgeable and helpful and also circle back to update me about issues I raise.

The forums can be a bit hit or miss. There are a few experienced users who answer the bulk of questions and a few staff who answer some of them.

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@edojay Hi, I have used both tools, as well as Kodular (Android only), Adalo, reTool and Zoho (a little bit - more on that later).

I can’t say that you will find something very easily to create a SaaS, that is one of the things I am doing and so far I am combining various tools (or multiple SaaS). For now I will be using Thunkable as I have used it for a long time and it has the basic features I need to create an app for users to manage their data.

There are ‘SaaS builder tools’ out there (white-label) but you will find them to be Enterprise/ very pricy. As an example Retool is great, except you need to pay US$10 per actual user (not just client). Zoho seems great as ‘users’ are cheap, but IMO you have to buy into their entire platform to make it worth it. Zoho does have a service that will build the app etc. for you, but I believe it starts at around $5000.

I was initially looking at WordPress Multisite and a WaaS plugin to separate clients and their users, but that’s a lot of work when there are a lot of SaaS tools out there. Bubble is a good example of something that you can probably use to get started, then build an app on Thunkable that works with it.
The main thing is logging in and ensuring clients and their users have separate data.
I’ve found issues with Firebase regarding this so you may need to use external auth/ databases.

It might also be worth looking into open source, depending on your tech level:

  • AppSmith,
  • Budibase,
  • Directus,
  • Hasura,
  • AppWrite,
  • and Lago (API for subscription payments)

may be of use (mostly self hosted).

I wouldn’t go with AppGyver, it looked great but I haven’t used it in a while and it is more complex, plus now SAP has bought it, it might be retired as they are pushing users to use it with SAP.

Jotform might be a possibility but I have no experience with it.

So far, out of every other platform I’ve tried (besides the fact that I have been using Thunkable for years), other than Zoho, I can’t find anything else that has the features and functions that I need:

  • Kodular doesn’t do iOS (and is questionable…)
  • Adalo seems very simple/ logic is basic.
  • Bubble doesn’t do mobile apps
  • AppyPie seems expensive and restricts push notifications (which makes me think they have access to user’s device data…)

There are many (many) more examples and your choice will obviously depend on your requirements. If you want to create simple iOS and Android apps on a platform that is easy to learn on and costs relatively little (until you want to publish), I’d say Thunkable is a solid option.

Good luck!


It is very much appreciated that you have taken the time to share your experiences! your feedback means a lot.

I notice that you have also been on a similar journey like myself where you have tested different tools.

Your answer has made me more confident in daring to invest time into Thunkable and see if it works for my ideas. The only thing that has worried me about Thunkable is that it seem to not have any built in feature to write custom code if I understood it correctly.

Regarding the backend, I will probably use Xano or Backendless for Auth + database. For web application, I will later try weweb most probably (Have not decided on this one yet).

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You can try AppWrite which provides Auth, databases, storage and more (as does Supabase which is listed by weweb). It’s open source so you can start with a $10 server and that will probably last for hundreds if not thousands of users depending on how much data they use (i.e. if it’s text you’ll probably be fine).

If you can leverage Firebase, it might be a good idea, if not for user data, for operational settings, as obviously that has AddListeners and so you can change variables in realtime.

I intend to use it to manage app-wide variables (1), as well as for clients to block their users (2).

(e.g. 1)

employee walks out and manager can log onto the system, click ‘block’ on the dashboard, and the user will be blocked, so when they open the app, it shows a blocked screen, instantly.
This is per company in case user works elsewhere.

(e.g. 2)

Changing settings or appearance of the app without releasing a new version to the app store or play store, by simply changing the variables via Firebase variables instead of manually in the app.

I would probably have an interface that uses automation (n8n.io) to change either of those types of settings, rather than me having to deal with Firebase manually - or via the complex API.

In the past I have setup a simple API (WordPress, or dedicated CMS, or even a straight up custom API like Hasura) to manage the app settings and store things like user settings (so if they loose their device they can get settings back) as well as low-risk data.

Of course it’s potentially risky to put the API keys for this kind of access in one’s app, but as it is usually read-only (or read-write for that user), there isn’t much to worry about.

I think I’m pretty set on Bubble as it has a lot of what I need at a reasonable price. One of the noticeable things on this page: Alternative to Bubble – WeWeb is that it says;

As long as you’re comfortable hosting your database in Bubble, it’s great to build powerful web apps with a basic user interface.

However; you can use external data with Bubble, which one would expect as most people have external (SQL) databases… Specifically via this connector plugin; SQL Database Connector | Bubble Docs - there’s also plugins for MongoDB and even some for Firebase, one of them oddly enough made by @jared (Jared Gibb), who you will find is an avid Thunkable user/ Freelancer and is frequently on this forum!

Unfortunately, weweb seems to cost more and has limited page views. Having said that I will look at weweb and do a full comparison so thank you.

You are correct, no custom code, but it does have blocks so you can do a lot of logic (if else etc.) to build what you need, including complex logic.
If you absolutely need custom code (e.g. to use deep linking or advanced permissions) then Thunkable might only be suitable for your MVP, and if/ when you expand you can hire a developer(s) etc.

Out of interest, what features do you want to use custom code to run?

Thanks for suggesting Supabase! I have been thinking about Firebase before but was hesitant about mongoDB (I prefer relational databases) and Supabase is built on postgreSQL, has auth and is very cheap compared to Xano.

I will probably try what Firebase has to offer after playing around a bit with Supabase + Thunkable.

I’ve read before that Bubble.io doesn’t work very well with APIs, especially when it comes to updating large amounts of data, is that something you’ve experienced yourself?

Right now I don’t know what I want to use the custom code for. But since I have a background in programming (C++, C, Javascript, etc.), I am worried that I will come across parts that will need custom code. Say for example that I want to create complex algorithms, data mining, etc. (These parts can probably be solved with tools and APIs against pythonanywhere for example)

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