Why can I not see my screen blocks

I cannot see one of my screen blocks, when I click on it, it is just blank

Can you give more information? It’s hard to know what you are referring to. A screenshot would be helpful, too.

When I open thunkable page and go to blocks, if i click on one first screen or any other screen it shows all my blocks, but when i click on a certain screen, the screen is showing blank, then I can do nothing in thunkable.

Any help on this, why getting blank screen

Can you post a link to your project? And tell us which screen is having the problem?


Not sure if this is the link you need, the screen is “Voegbeskikbaarby”

Yes, that link is helpful

When I go to that screen and click the Blocks tab, it just shows a blank white screen like you described. I remixed the project and the same thing happens with the remix. So there is something corrupt about that project. Hopefully Thunkable staff can help.

Thank you

How do I give this to thunk able staff to look at

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