When you press image 1, you read image 1, but when you press image 2, you still read image 1. Please help fix the error

When you press image 1, you read image 1, but when you press image 2, you still read image 1. Please help fix the error.

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Is there a way to compact the code without randomly pressing the button

I don’t understand how that screenshot relates to your question about images (those are buttons and sounds) and I don’t understand your question about compacting the code. Again, you need to provide more explanation, more details, more examples.

The above command buttons I have set up like that when running a test, click on other buttons, read the same original text
For example, pressing button 1, the sound is 1, pressing button two sounds 2, but when pressing button 1 again, sound 2, not sound 1

You are not doing anything wrong there is a bug in the sound component

  1. It will Play only the latest file
  2. It will stop after certain clicks
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Please fix it code