When I want to register a new company in the project, the old records appear in the input

Hello, I am encountering an error in my project, after registering a company with the save company button, I see the company in the company list, and then when I want to register a new company, the previous company information appears in front of me, and when I say create a new company, I will enter data, the company information that I registered earlier comes in the inputs, I know how to fix it

Hello @mustafataskin41wco1 welcome to the community.
To remove the text from a text input add the block “set Text input Text” and leave the text empty.
This will remove the value you inserted before you navigate to the next screen so the next time you open the same screen you will have the Text input empty.


To remove the value from all the text inputs, add the “set Text input Text” block with empty text for all the text inputs after you create the row.

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video link Thunkable ve diğer 7 sayfa - Profil 1 - Microsoft​ Edge 2023-09-21 17-31-40

Hello @mustafataskin41wco1!
Thank you for sharing the screenshots and the video.
It is possible that the issue is caused by the logo field where you are inserting an image.
All the values should be string so in this case you will need to upload the image to Cloudinary and use the URL from the uploaded file when you are creating a row.

Also, try to add the “set Text input Text” block with empty text for all the text inputs after you create the row to check if the functionality works.