I am working on an app which uses a number of HTML pages saved as assets which are opened in the webviewer. If I edit the page leaving the file name the same and then replace (first delete then add) the file in the app, the original file is displayed and not the new edited one. This happens on both iOS and android and with both the companion and published apps. But only if the file has been opened in the app before. If the app had NOT accessed the file previously, the replaced version is the one that is displayed. Is there a way to clear the cache so that the earlier file does not show up?
Do you mean that the HTML pages loaded into the project as assets do work for you? For me these arrangement does not work from the mobile. Only when previewed from the computer.
Yes, in the sample project, the file “First1.html” is loaded as an asset. If you delete that file and replace it with another with the same name, when you next run the app in the companion, you will continue to see the original, not the replaced file. Yes, if you use the “Preview”, the new file shows correctly, not the old.
Yes, it must not be an easy fix. My current work around is to ask users to deinstall and reinstall my published APPs when I make changes to the HTML documents, but that is really not ideal.
Hey everyone, appreciate the flag here. Apologies this has been in the works for so long. I will resurface to our engineering team today to see what the progress is, and provide an update.