Hello @anubos112thez
I can understand that it is frustrating and appreciate you taking the time to investigate and provide all the information.
Based on our docs, on the “Set Web Viewer’s URL” block, you can connect only a URL that begins with HTTPS://. or to type in the name of an HTML file that has been uploaded to the project to display in the Web Viewer.
To build it this way, you need to create an HTML file and upload it to the project assets. The HTML code will receive the data and show them to the web viewer. Here is an example code:
<script src="https://thunkable.github.io/webviewer-extension/thunkableWebviewerExtension.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// when we get a message from the app, display it on the page
ThunkableWebviewerExtension.receiveMessage(function(message) {
document.body.innerHTML = message;
Hello @ioannis firts of all I wanna say thank you for you support. And I wanna know if the functionallity of web viwer was change or not, because It was working before. You say “I have to investigate and provide all the information”, so this is the project test I made Thunkable on the other hand I attached a screen shot of block
I was trying to do what you said: “…The HTML code will receive the data and show them to the web viewer…” but it seems internet connection is needed, isn’t it?.. because a important requierement for my app is: content will be availble with NO internet connection… how can I do this?.. do I have to upload almost 5.000 HTML files to the project assets ??