Web_viewer ignore click area

I use a webviewer to reproduce a FAQ which is already on a website.
HOWEVER I do not want people to navigate away from that page.
Therefore I wish to ignore clicks on the menu


I tried a button or a Label over the hamburger menu but it is still clickable even when the button/label is on top? (In the example I moved the button away from the menu for clarity).

How can I prevent clicks on a particular area of the webviewer?
Fixing the scroll position to start at a certain position would also be an option but that is not possible either.

When I could run java script I would just run:

Is it your own website?

Yes. The website is mine.

I think sending a message to a wordpress site for hiding a menu is a bit cumbersome.

I am stuck. No other ideas?

Yeah. Build your faq in the app.

Thanks for the suggestion. i managed to extract the faq via web api. But that route is a lot of work.
I saw this example thunkable example to include javascript

Can I not do something like this to run javascript?

This way it obviously does not work.

No. You can’t do script injection unless you own the site. And then you’d do it on that site.

Alternatively, use the webviewers post method, and throw the script onto your Wordpress site so you can listen for actions in the app from the site

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