Web app publish limit

Is anyone else getting an error when publishing a web app saying you can only publish 2 web apps at a time? I am paying for Thunkable PRO, so why am I being limited to 2 web apps? Also, $13 monthly price change on PRO membership?

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Also since when has this been happening? I got this after I published and it’s been 9 mins so far.

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Me too. I have a /lot/ of stuff web published. Some it, like old WDC entries, doesn’t really need to stay published (unless Thunkable was hoping they WDC posts would act as a showcase of what Thunkable could do), but some of it sure does. My plantsitter game was built for a big screen - it doesn’t work as a phone app. And I’d planned thunkable-issues to be runable in a browser, because I wanted submitters to be able to copy-paste easily.


I’m not, because I can’t publish anything.

Update: If you take a published app and unpublish it, that’s what you get when you try to use its old URL.


Does anyone know if this to web app limit is staying? I was reading into the pricing plans, and I noticed that there is unlimited downloads for native apps for most of the paid plans, but all of them that offer web app just say web app available. Is the limit for two staying for all plans? If so, then why are we paying for pro? Especially after they just increase the price by about 50%.


Yeah, a two app web limit is a no-go for me. I just spent most of hour (that’d I’d planned to use for Thunking) chasing down and unpublishing old apps, but I have either missed one, or unpublishing isn’t working, because I still can’t publish an update to the app that was already published. And since that’s the thunkable-issues app, that means I can’t roll out any of the stuff I worked on earlier today.


The unpublished button wasn’t working for me. I had stuff I needed to get out in a pinch, so since the unpublish button wasn’t working, I had actually go and delete my old apps. But I had a major bug on an app for work that we were actively using, so I had to do what I had to do. The two app limit is not cool. Did we receive any notice?


I’ve unpublished all but two apps, but I can’t publish an update to one of those two. I didn’t see any notice, no.

And I guess I won’t work on the issue tracker tonight, because without being able to publish to it, there’s not much point.