Web_API calling .php files on server


We can’t seem to make work a block calling via web_api an URL that calls .php file on server retrieving and/or updating MYSQL DB. We have previously implemented the complete App in AppInventor but need the iOS version as well. We need either online coaching or a complete functioning example on how to set up a block that fires the URL and retrieves the response (multiple fields) into a list. WE can provide all details including the URL. In the meantime we wish to know the cost.
Best Regards

Thanks for posting this @pmginvestda6z. Hopefully you’ll be able to find a freelancer available to help with this!

Hello @pmginvestda6z

I have gone through your requirements and would be glad to assist you in fixing the issue.

Please get in touch with the contact details to discuss this further.

E- alanjones(dot)tis(at)gmail(dot)com
Skype - live:.cid.6a62b7b34d1aa390

Looking forward to hearing from you

Alan Jones