📽 WDC #15 "Show Thunkable"

Hey Thunkers!
it was nice to see what others were working on. so let me tell you guys mine.

DOG CHECK : Its an app which you can use to train your dog as well as keep a record of their Temperature, Weight so that you can easily know what was the, say temp, of your dog and when. It also has a random dog pic generator (can you guys link me a dog quote api, please?).

Updates that may be there

  • Personal dog account
  • Bog social media
  • Badges

KLIK (Still working on the name) : There is a coin which you have to click under a time limit. the more you click, the more you earn coins. You have outfits which, if you have enough coins, can be bought by you to decrease your time a little and increase your coin income. thats the theory but i am using image, and i am having problems with some sizing so, if you like the app idea, you have two options. Either try doing it your self or wait another month or two.

No updates for now

WHITEBOARD : you may remember this :point_down:

well, now i am trying to make it a tiny bit more user friendly.

Updates I am trying to apply

  • Undo last drawing
  • draw shape
  • allow multi device drawing.

So, thats all.

Excited to know what you guys are working on

Happy thunking (I am hating these auto corrects.)