Want ask about 4 points

hi thunkers
thats 3 points i want talk about
1- why thunkable doesnt have bag to save blocks in to use it in multi pages easlly?
2- thunkable download apk andriod server has problem i cant download apk but i can download iso , whats the prob?
3- could i pay for pro membership for just 1 mounth,? i didnt find it . because iam coding sometimes .iam coding for 1 month and let it for another mo.
so i have to pay in specific months.

last point: did you solve the exit button stuff?? . because we need exit button or the app will be idiot and weak.
i know the ios doesnt have exit button but we need it in andiod

thanks thunkers you r the best

You can use the copy/paste options (in Windows Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste) so the function is available. If you want to copy more than one block at a time but these blocks in a control block (such as if block) and copy the block.

@Thunkable_Staff support could help answering this.

See this from the membership option in the account page.

Thunkable X vision is one development system that produce apps for both Android and iOS and therefore it has to maintain higher restrictions than other development platforms and one such restriction is the exit because it is not easy to provide options that will work only in one operating system but not the other. Again @Thunkable_Staff may have better answer.

@kpkpkpkpkp0200m , we’ve updated our Android build system recently and have much better visibility now of what’s happening. I’m not seeing any issues with either Android or iOS build servers recently:


for almost three days i was downloadind my andriod app . he said .download is starting but nothing starting . but ios working

and about exit button you can make block for andriod .you know users when they find there is no exit button . they see the app is a joke .
thanks guys

mr … i tried to pay for month but its being almost 65 for 3 months or somthing like that i tries to pay on paypal . and when i pay the month transform to quarter .
thank again