Video - problem (not working)

Hello everyone.

I am posting this to see if anyone with more experience can help.
I have one video on my app, and when I test it live, it works; when downloaded (android), it doesn’t.
I searched for a solution here in the community, and I saw that in the past, changing the video name to “video.mp4” solved the problem. I tried it and it doesn’t help.

I confirmed and the size does not exceed the tolerance.

Can someone help please?


Hello @claudia.barrias.22r5
The file name or the type is the issue
What type is the video?

Could you please try the following steps?
Delete the video from the assets
Rename it on your device, it must end in .mp4, .mov, etc
Then upload the video on your project

Hello @ioannis I’ve sent you a message :slight_smile:

The video uploaded on Thunkable did not work, probably because of the Android version of the smartphone that I was using for testing (Android 12). I solved the problem by uploading the video to YouTube and using the web viewer component to display it.

Probably it isn’t the best solution, but at least it is working :slight_smile:

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