Verification and validation to navigate to another screen

there will be 2 Variables to Save Nickname and Passcode entered,*2 buttons to transit from one action to another.
When a User creates Nickname, at the click of the “PROCEED BUTTON” the Nickname input visible will be false-and the Passcode input will be visible true,
and at the click of the “ENTER BUTTON” If Passcode entered matches from the spreadsheet,they can then access the CHAT.
So the problem is after entering the nickname,it may some hours to get the Passcode to the user
So whenever the chat screen opens(if appVar-Nickname is not null)I want only the Passcode input and ENTER BUTTON to be visible true,and if the Passcode and Nickname (Variables are not null) the CHAT Should be accessible to them automatically when the screen opens,else they will have to start from scratch that’s creating a name first.

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I’m unclear as to what your issue is, are you creating your own sign in page instead of using firebase?


Hmm,we can put it that way to make it simpler,both Nickname andPasscode entered will be verified with the existing entries from the spreadsheet

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Again, can you please clearly explain your issue? What exactly are you having trouble with?



Also, as was mentioned, why not just use Firebase sign up/sign in blocks?


This is just a verification process to allow only recognised users to get into the chat,so upon creating their Chatname,then the *Nickname input will be set invisible a request is sent to the table in the spreadsheete along with the user’s name and image,so the admin gets to check if it’s a bonafied member and then create A short code as in form of *Pin or password and get to respond back to that user to allow them get into the chat.
A variable saves the name the first time at the click of the PROCEED BUTTON,and leaving just the Passcode input visible,and after inputting a valid code or text created by the admin, another variable saves the Passcode too,so that when user came back to the screen,if both variables are not Null they get access automatically into the chat… "If the nickname variable is not Null and Passcode variable is Null,they got to see only the Passcode input field!

I hope I’ve been able to make it more comprehensive, looking forward to your assistance, thanks for your replies

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