Urgent - Google OAuth Error - End user was unable or chose not to sign in

When i press continue with google in my app, it opens the prompt to select a google account but when i select my account it says “End User was unable or chose not to sign in”

How do i fix this??

Varun Kadapatti

Hello @varunkadapatti
How did you test it? Android, iOS, Web?

This is on Android only

Have you downloaded APK or publish on Google Play Store?

I will check that but the thing is the OAuth was working before when I had downloaded the APK file and it was running with no issues on my phone.
After publishing to the Play Store for closed testing I 'm running into this issue

Great!. Could you please check if the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint under App Signing on Google Play Store is the same as the SHA-1 field on Google Cloud as in the pictures below?

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Okay so i found something different now.

The SHA-1 certificate in Google Cloud is the same as SHA-1 certificate in the “UPload key certificate” or Play Console!!

I think thats where I’ve gone wrong?

because the SHA-1 for App Signing is not matching the SHA-1 in Google Cloud