Need help on google sign up

can you give me a brief easy to understand way on how to get the Get the SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint and setup auth setting on thunkable

Hi @sn8927581t6id, these questions are all answered in our Docs.

but keytool -keystore path-to-debug-or-production-keystore -list -v ,this isnt working in command working . how to do it?

What is the error you are receiving? Are you entering the correct path for path-to-debug-or-production-keystore?

i done with googel auth but i want to know how to setup with thunkable im getting this

help me pls

@sn8927581t6id We appreciate your patience. There is no need to create multiple posts in a topic asking for help. It was the middle of the night in my timezone when you posted the reply and I am only now just starting my work day.

From those screenshots, it looks like you have entered the Android Client ID key where you should be entering the Web application client ID. Switch those and you should be fine.

but there is no option availible for android, and i think the my SHA-1 Certificate Fingerprint is wrong maybe because i get from here , can you check her

my android.keystore is on the downloads folder

If you create a new OAuth client ID in your Google Cloud console, does Android not display for you?

Do you have other Android keystores in that folder? Everything looks correct from that screenshot.

no actualy the only problem im getting is that i dont know why i cant type the keystore

password you can see here im getting the eroor " wrong pass" , is this for a security purpose thats why the pass is not shown? if yes than i also typed the coreect pass but showing the error

Yes, passwords in the terminal like this will generally not be shown as a security measure. The keystore password is provided when you export the keystore in Thunkable.

yea i typed the corect password but stlll sha-1 finerprint not showing whats wrong im not understanding

Hello @sn8927581t6id :wave:
I think the issue lies with the way you are testing it.
If you have finished the steps for the Android set up you can download and test the APK.
To test it on the web you will need to follow the steps on Create Web Application OAuth Client ID: User Sign Up, Sign In, and Authentication with Google | Thunkable Docs

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