Trying ios project

For android i use qr code application for downloading apk files. I know that apple does not allow downloading an ios file from another service so how can i make arrangements.
I dont have an iphone but if i have one i cant try it , can i?

Hello Murat…Yes you can.
Open thunkable X and click on the arrow on the left side-bar an follow the instructions “Getting started” it really only takes you a few minutes.
Succes .
Greetings from Holland


Hi @murat_Aydin

Are you using Thunkable Classic or Thunkable X?

Thunkable i dont want to buy an iphone so on android telephone can i make arrangements for ios file

Ok. So if you want your app to run on iOS you’ll need to use Thunkable X. Classic is Android-only

On android phone can i make arrangements for ios applications

I’m not fully sure what you mean by “arrangements”

In terms of compatibility, Android phones can not run iPhone apps and iPhones can not run Android apps.

On Thunkable X, you can create one project and by clicking 1 button we will generate and Android app, and clicking another button will create an iOS app from the same project.

Before publishing i want to see screenshots and layouts etc. So i dont have iphone.i see on thunkable live application on my android phone but is it enough for iphone too?Or do i have to get an iphone and load to it thunkable live to see the last situation.

When i download ios project,i sent it to my friend who has an iphone. On his email he saw link but he couldnt the file…What can i do? He made changes on settings menu but the application couldnt open

Hi @murat_Aydin,

This guide explains the iOS installation process in full

Hope that helps!

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Thanks. So, can i upload ios file to app store on the computer with windows. And when i send the ios files to an email address can i see it on the download files. Because i cant see the file on ıphone.