Track time screen off

Hey Thunkers,
I want to create an app that tracks the time a user is either on their phone doing something else than using my app, or the time a user is not using their phone at all (not just NOT using my app).

The best would be if there is a way to track how long time the users phone is “locked/screen off”, but from what I’ve been reading that Is not possible to do in Thunkable?

Example: You set a timer for 1 h that you promised not to use your phone. Now the user wants a warning if he/she uses the phone before that hour has passed, or at least know how much time out of that hour that was spent not using the phone.

Any ideas on how to attack the problem, or is Thunkable not just enough for this kind of app?


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I don’t think it’s possible

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Hi there,

As @point said, this kind of app would not be possible to make with Thunkable X as we don’t have the means to detect whether the user has their phone unlocked/is using another app.

You could take a different approach to making an app that encourages users to not use their phones, which is providing rewards for as long as the app is open.

An example of this kind of app is Forest App, which plants trees and lets them grow as long as the user leaves the app screen open.

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Wow, Forest looks fantastic. But making an app like Forest isn’t possible with Thunkable, is it? I mean, as soon as the screen gets dark (from inactivity) everything in Thunkable “goes offline”? Like setting a timer etc and then leaving the phone will stop the timer as soon as the screen gets dark. Making an app like Forest and then forcing the user to “constantly” preventing the screen from going dark isn’t really encouraging the user to leave their phone.

Thank you for your response Jane. I’d love if you have any further tips for me.


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