Hi there,
Is anyone else having issues where blocks are not saving. I have tried this for the past two days. I have tried it on Windows 10 Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. I also tried on a Mac with Chrome and Safari. Everytime I create blocks, it will not update or save. If I go back into the program, it will not show the updated blocks.
Any info would help!
Hey ! What I usually do is I wait around 1min after I’m done modifying and I then refresh the Thunkable page which when refreshed appears with the saved blocks, don’t know if it helps but the 1min of waiting is very important, I lost a lot of efforts and work when I wasn’t waiting for it 
Nice day ! 
Here there - I tried that — still lost everything.
Maybe your connection and computer require more patience then 
HI there, I figured it out. I was declaring and initializing an app variable to hold a random number between 1 and 100. Thunkable wasn’t liking it. The only way I could continue was to declare and initialize the variable to 0, and then in the “when screen starts” , set the variable to a random variable. Once I did that, everything worked.