🎉 Thunkable ✕ - Now with Bluetooth Low Energy! 2019-06-30

We’re halfway through 2019 already and it’s time for another update from Thunkable HQ. As our team continues to grow, so too does our platform.

In June we launched the first of three summer hackathons, added SSO to the Community and released yet more new components and components updates to make it easier than ever for you to build the apps you really want to build. Read on to learn more!

:bookmark: Release Notes

Take a look at our release notes for a more detailed description of everything that’s included in this release.

:robot: Thunkable Live for Android

You’ll need v. 87 of the Live Companion app, head over to the Play Store to make sure you’re up-to-date.

:apple: Thunkable Live for iOS

If you’re an iOS user, head on over to the App Store to get the latest version of the live companion app.

:hammer_and_wrench: Improved Account Settings Page

When you log into Thunkable ✕ you now have the ability to set your profile image, username and your headline all directly from the account settings page.

:hammer_and_wrench: Updated Accelerometer

We added a new event to the accelerometer so that you can now detect when the phone is being shaken. This event comes with three different thresholds for sensitivity.

:hammer_and_wrench: Toggle Drawer Navigator

We’ve added a new block to the Screen component which now allows you to toggle the drawer navigator.


This is something that a lot of you have been requesting for a while now, as it will allow you to create your own :hamburger: hamburger menus

:hammer_and_wrench: New Label Properties

We’ve seen a lot of requests in the community to have more control of the appearance of how you text looks on screen. In response to this, we’ve added three new styling options;
Font Style, Font Weight and, Text Align.

:hammer_and_wrench: New Map block

The map component now has a built in block to delete all markers. This should be super-helpful for anyone creating a location based app.

:rocket: Bluetooth Low Energy

In May we asked you what you would do with a Bluetooth Low Energy component if we built one:

Thank you for all your feedback, the first version of this component is now available and we can wait to see what you build with this.


You always do the best. Thank you so much!


Some feedback for the Bluetooth module.
The connect by ID works great - I can connect right away
Connect by name is not nearly as stable. most attempts respond by saying device not found, but about 1 in 10 tries it will connect.
In the documentation, you need examples because I can’t get any read event to happen. I suspect the formatting of the UUID may be the problem, but I have tried everything. A product suggestion is to add the whole Gatt spec, so you can pick standard profiles from a list: https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/characteristics/

You seem to be missing a listen for notification event. I am trying to connect to a bike wheel speed sensor and it broadcasts a notification every revolution.