@eddie.rebehy, @jared, @cttricks, @jared, @muneer,
I’m having a little trouble with integrating NodeJS with the WebViewer. It is a bit off topic, but it does involve Thunkable integration. So here is my situation:
My ultimate goal it to import a file into thunkable. I have it working on my local emulation of firebase, but I am having trouble getting it to work on the cloud deployment.
The first step is create a listener using express. No problem, works on both deployed and emulated systems.
exports.thunk = functions.https.onRequest(app);`
app.listen( () => {
functions.logger.info(`Express App listening `, {structuredData: true});
On the get request a display a form. Also works great on deployed and emulated systems.
// Display a form for uploading files.
app.get('/', (req, res, next ) => {
//On a get request, send back this form to the user
functions.logger.info(`GET request Made`, {structuredData: true});
here is the form.pug
doctype html
title Static Files
link(rel="stylesheet", href="/static/main.css")
form(method="POST", action="/upload", enctype="multipart/form-data")
input(type="file", accept=".gpx", name="file" )
Both emulated and deployed systems allow me to identify a file.
on submit
I’m guessing there is some JavaScript / promise / ??? that is causing my problems. Any help is appreciated