This community rocks!

Can I just say that this community is just amazing! I’ve only been active a few days and have already learned so much from the posts here!

And I love the bookmark features. The notifications are nice so I don’t forget I saved something important. I’m trying to get into the habit of bookmarking more and having to do a whole new search to find the material again much less.

Thank you all for your willingness to help others! :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Yay! Welcome to Thunkable! I’ve found the community to be really helpful, too. I’ve learned a ton in a short amount of time.


Indeed, I also found the community thunkable to be really great and helpful, I come across so many wonderful things each day

You are absolutely right this is the best community I have come across, it has been a few days only but liked it.