No status bar showing up can Thunkable add a status bar color option so we can decide if we want black color status bar on that specific screen or white and by status bar color I don’t mean background color I just mean status bar ( carrier time battery health etc) color. thanks
did you try setting the screen background color? For me that works fine in Android and iOS and I just create a full size row when I want the content to have another background. What OS are u using?
@Chris@Domhnall the issue is back on iOS, probably since a very recent update. I compared against a previous build on Testflight and it looks ok. Any ideas?
Hey @domhnallohanlon. Great to hear you added support for the notch but… where can we configure it from? What kind of “support” did you add? I am checking the app and screen settings and can’t see any reference to the notch.
@oreeldadln what do you mean? Did you find a way to control the color of the status bar on iOS we are unaware of? So far the trick was to change the screen’s background color. Any trick would be welcome.
My screens background color is black and I want to preserve the black color for my status bar as well irrespective of whether the device is on dark mode or not. Let me be very specific: this worked properly until a recent update.