Status bar twitches sometimes and status does not show on black background

Sometimes when I would be using my app the status bar would twitch with white background and not show status (time service provider battery health)

Secondly status is not available with black background if you use any other color it shows but when you use black the status goes away maybe because with black background the status color does not change to white but remain black which makes the status blend in with background and not show status. Could someone at Thunkable look into this? Such small but significant issues make app look bad

Thanks for flagging this @farhanlatif027i3df

Have you opened an issue on Github about this?

If you have any screenshots or a MWE of this in action (and if you let us know if this is on iOS and/or Android) that will help us a lot too.


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I have reported this on github long time ago but unfortunately it still is not fixed and it’s happening on iOS I can’t confirm on Android