Hi, Friends This is my list, From this list when clicked item i want get first object value of clicked item.
example; In my list
1st row value is
2nd row value is
like this my list now if i clicked row 1st i want get ABCD
If i clicked row 2nd i want get Test
Please help me someone.
@ant_1 No, this is not dynamic. It won’t work with anything other than “Hi” in the top line.
@balabharathi.slmkx98 How are you storing the data in the list viewer? How are you creating the three-line entries? Are you using join and newline blocks? Share a screenshot of the blocks you are using.
I believe the data is retrieved from Firebase but the developer decided to parse it this way in the List Viewer so it would be easier to get the first line of text using Text substring.