This may be easy to solve, but nevertheless, searching only gives me results from previous versions.
I wish to make the distance between “Simple List” items smaller and I wish to add padding when adding a border to a label, a list and more. There are a lot of answers online to this, but they don’t seem to be relevant to the current version.
I’m making a drop-down list, (yes, there are some out there, but when I import them, the blocks aren’t included, but that’s another matter. I’d wish it was just a standard component. Anyway I need to understand how to create stuff myself as a beginner).
These are only two of the matters I struggle with. But when searching, I find concepts such as List View etc. Is the below set of drag and drop items the full set that should be available, or am I in some wrong version? I subscribed to the “Builder” plan, if that is of any relevance. Below is a screenshot of the components that are default in my version, except the first two, which were attempts to import a dropdown menu.
Thanks in advance