Sound stop working after Speech Recognition (speech recognizer) (iOS)

Hi there. I’m creating an app that uses the TextToSpeech and Speech Recognizer.
The first time that I run the app the TextToSpeech well, but after run the Speech Recognizer the TextToSpeech dos not work anymore.
I also tried to play a sound and it does not work after the Speech Recognizer.

Can you show the blocks please

Some time same issue for me.
I also uploaded for Apple Store :frowning:

Thx for your response. See the blocks below:

Try to flip these blocks.

It looks like the listener and speaker are hanging.

Make sure you clean up after them.


Sorry for the question but how to clean up?

Clean up means ensuring you are stopping and starting things only when you need them

How to stop the Speech Recognition? I do not found any option to stop it.

I am experiencing similar issues. To clear the issue I seem to need to close both safari and thunkable apps on my phone. After that I am able to get text to speech, but the moment I do a listen, then no more text to speech until I close apps.

I also did text to speech stop before listen.

Hi there,

This is unfortunately a bug within Thunkable.
For more information, see the discussion here.