[SOLVED] Web preview crashes with nothing appear on a specific screen

I have a screen that has the following components:


Whenever I switch to it in web browser preview, nothing appears. When I switch to other screen, it works fine. It also works fine on thinkable live app
Tried publishing web app, no luck

I see this errors when switching to the page and it does not appear on other pages:

Thanks for flagging this issue, @phappcoding49umm. Would you mind sharing the project so that we can investigate it further (DM is fine if you do not wish for the URL to be public)?

This is a private project. How do I DM?

You can click on my name in any of my posts in this topic and the modal will appear for you to send me a message. Thank you!
Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 10.50.30 AM

I cannot

@conroy Ive made a sharable link Thunkable

Thanks for sharing. Has this ever worked or did it happen recently?

it has never worked, but the project is a new one also

Hello @phappcoding49umm :wave:
Thanks for sharing your project!
It seems to be an issue when you use the “set canvas label” and “set stage” blocks when the screen opens/starts or when the variables are initialized.
If you remove these blocks it will stop crashing:


We will flag it to our engineering team and provide an update as soon as possible.

Hello @phappcoding49umm
I have found a workaround, inside the “When screen open/start” and “when variable initializes or changes” blocks if you add a “wait 1 second” block first, everything works
image - 2024-03-27T142853.386

Hello @phappcoding49umm
Thank you again for your patience. I would like to let you know that we have now officially released a fix for this bug.

Please keep in mind that you may need to do a hard refresh of your browser for the changes to take effect in your project. If your web app is affected by this bug, you will need to re-publish it for these changes to take effect.