[Merged ][Canvas bug] Web preview isn't working


Web preview at all projects isn’t work! Scripts are not working.
Only at projects where canvas is using.

You’re right, none of the blocks related to the canvas are working. I even deleted everything except this and it still doesn’t move the sprite when I click the lift1 button:


Try making a new project and see if anything works in the new project. Maybe something got corrupted?

It doesn’t seem to be working in any projects. See this demo:


(Click Play on the first screen.)

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Yes, it isn’t working at any projects.
Could thunkable’s team fix this issue? :pray:

@tatiang @liyuoplbsd Hello, I checked with some apps that are using canvas and it is true that the web preview isn’t working but the live test on the mobile app is working just fine.
Please let me know if this is the issue, to report it correctly.

From what I can tell, none of the Canvas blocks are working in the web preview. But yes, they do work (hide, set speed, etc.) in Thunkable Live on an iPhone 11.

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I am working on a project but when I place hide block into my code, it is not working.
it is not working on all my projects and the app thinks the hide block is just not there
here is the link to the test project


I don’t think any of the Canvas blocks are working right now. See this: [Merged ][Canvas bug] Web preview isn't working.

Here’s a bug report I just filed: [Merged ][Canvas bug] Web preview isn't working

thanks for your reply,

so how can i fix the problem and is thunkable aware of this issue

The fact that there are two topics about this and a GitHub bug report means that Thunkable should be aware of it. I don’t think you can do anything else until the problem is fixed by Thunkable staff.

Thunkable canvas is not working for me either. Don’t know when they are going to fix it

@tatiang @2031garg.aanyaxy @vermatul15tqxhg3 Hello, I checked with an app that is using canvas’s hide component and it is true that the web preview isn’t working but the live test on the mobile app is working just fine.
Please let me know if this is the issue, to report it correctly.

It seems that none of the Canvas blocks are working in the web preview. But yes, they do work (hide, set speed, etc.) in Thunkable Live on an iPhone 11.

I’ve merged a couple of topics that are all essentially pointing out the same issue for our web preview. We have created tickets for the blocks themselves seemingly not working and for issues with the web preview crashing when a canvas is used.

I will provide more details and a timeline here when we have them.

Thanks for your patience, all.

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We should have a fix here soon for this. The issue was able to be identified pretty quickly.

@tatiang @2031garg.aanyaxy @vermatul15tqxhg3 Can you all see if this issue on canvas is still persisting for you?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Live testing IOS doesn’t work

It’s working for me now in browser preview and Thunkable Live with this project (see the first screen): Thunkable

Note that the bug that causes the sprite to move slightly when the canvas loads is still present. When I preview/test the project, I see the sprite move about 10 pixels to the right. But the sprite’s x is reported (in the label below the canvas) as having not changed.

You can see the bug here: Screencastify


@tatiang In the end, they are where they should be, though? I am not saying this behavior isn’t quirky or does not need attention, but it seems like it could also just be a part of rendering the canvas and the sprites?